チューリップ - T u l i p -
チューリップ - T u l i p -
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Namensgravur mit gebranntem Stift
Mit einem sogenannten „Brennstift“, dessen Spitze auf fast 400 Grad Celsius erhitzt wird, werden kursive Buchstaben auf die Oberfläche des Leders geschrieben.
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Tulip whose language of flowers is "compassion
The design is reminiscent of the tulip.
We made this product with the hope that people will carry compassion with them.
This bag is made of Chromexcel leather.
The leather is made by Horween, a company founded in 1905 in Chicago, U.S.A., using a process that has remained unchanged for over 90 years. The leather is infused with an original blend of oils and fats over time, resulting in a chunky but robust leather.
The leather is also able to pull up the color of the leather due to its rich oil content, which is one of the charms of this leather. (*Black leather does not change color.)